Saturday, June 14, 2008

Out and About

We had a very nice morning today. We headed down to Park Avenue because I was in desperate need of some clothes. I am down to my pre-Harper weight but not my pre-Sam weight- which I may never see again unless I work at it which I won't do. I made a mad dash through the store and luckily it all fits. I guess I can put my maternity pants away which I had still being wearing until today. I also picked up some sandals while we were down there. Sam loves running around the park and seeing the train and Harper slept great the whole time in her sling.


I put Harper today in a dress today for the 1st time. When I opened the dress from Danielle I thought it came with a matching hat. Oh, I was wrong. It was a diaper cover... is that what they are called?! You can tell I am a new mom of a girl!


Speaking of our girl, I think it is safe to say she is an easy baby. I have kept it to myself thinking one day things may change. I remember when we brought Sam home he slept and slept and then day 12 he woke up and starting crying and crying. Russ would walk him outside for hours in the evening and middle of the night to try to calm him. We thought we had it relatively easy with Sam and then along came Harper. She is so sweet. Makes me want another one...

Mouth full of goldfish!

She is smiling now all of the time at mama...

1 comment:

Danielle said...

They are both so sweet. The dress is sooo cute on her!!!