Thursday, August 14, 2008


*To see a few of our photos from our session with Amy Smith click here.

I have been thinking a lot recently about how becoming a mother and now a mother of two has changed me. I have fallen so quickly into the pattern of never doing anything for myself. I know that I am not alone- most of my mother friends do the same.

I also acknowledge I impose this on myself. Russ encourages me to get out of the house and do some things I enjoy solo. I then realize I am not even sure what that would be anymore. I do treat myself to a monthly pedicure and I even feel guilty about that. It feels so extravagant. If I do venture out to meet a friend oh, once every six months, it is a lot of work. I have to leave my detailed, step by step instructions for Russ. My time out is filled with phone calls from home with questions about the instructions. No complaints- Russ does an amazing job but I don't feel totally relaxed and end up feeling like I never should have left.

I know this will get less and less as Harper gets older. When I get home I realize all of the things I should have been home doing are not done and I feel stressed. Maybe this is why I don't do it very often.

A few months back I had some amazing photographs done by a local photographer Amy Smith. She is so talented and the pictures were amazing and *beautiful. I was inspired by her work to take better pictures of our children. Our point and shoot digital camera isn't cutting it. I have been hemming and hawing about buying a nice Nikon SLR camera. It is more money than I am comfortable spending on myself. Oh, that brings up another point. I never, ever spend much money on myself which is a huge change from my pre-kid days. Now I spend it on them which is so much more fun! Well, I have finally decided to go ahead and buy it.

I also signed up for a workshop at a local art school specific to my camera. The time and energy put in to leaving the house to do something I will enjoy will be worth it. Perfect- I have found away to combine leaving the house and benefiting our family by capturing wonderful memories that the kids will have for years to come.

1 comment:

Whimsy said...

Wow - I think it's great that you're doing this. The best part is that you've identified something that actually interests you, and now you're pursuing it. I can't wait to hear about your class.