Wednesday, April 1, 2009


We are rarely home alone, just the two of us girls. The boys went out for the morning and she was having a hard time falling asleep from those teeth pushing through, so we sat in the rocker just the two of us. She was sprawled out across my lap, nearly too big with her head in the crook of my arm, sucking her thumb. I watched as her eyelids would flutter, almost asleep, looking up at me with that smirk behind her thumb from time to time. Clutching the soft pink blanket she has grown so attached to, such a cuddly girl from the very start.

Such an easy baby girl, never giving me any trouble, so content as the commotion of our house surrounds her. Most of her first year I have spent juggling the responsibilities of a two year olds typical demanding and emotional ways, and the needs of my baby girl, which have paled in comparison at times.

As I stare down at her I wish I could freeze this moment in time. Time pushes forward with such urgency once you have children. The milestones, if possible, have flown by at greater speeds this time. Sitting. Crawling. Clapping. Standing. Talking. Desperate to walk along side her brother. She is ready but her legs not quite there yet. Attempting to imitate every action, movement and reaching for everything he has. Such a strong desire to be a part of him, us, our family. She fits so perfectly, I don't remember life in this house before her.

I can read her mind, I can see it in her eyes. She is so ready to take off, running and keeping up with her brother. I am not so ready. I hold on tight to the moments she wants to be held, finding comfort in me and my rocking, whispering and singing in her ear. I hope these moments will be etched deeply in my memory forever.


Woodard Gang said...

You are such a beautiful writer Erin...thank you for helping me to remember to cherish the little things. And I agree...time just goes by too fast! Especially that we are only 2 years away from having a teenager!

Sam and Harper said...

Thank you Ashley... I do wish I had more time to write and be reflective but the two little ones keep me busy. The time just does go so fast- I can't believe how big your kids are and Morgan is only 2 years away from the teen years:) said...

Erin, you have captured and expressed the feelings I have had for so many years. I have cherished all the stages of my children and wish I could go back to so many of the wonderful times that rushed by me. I am so glad you are aware of this wonderful time in your life and that you are stopping to "smell the roses".

Sam and Harper said...

Cindy.. So glad you found my blog. Congratulations on becoming a Grandmother. I am sure you can't wait!

Thank you for your comment:)