We are here! Sam did such a great job on the trip. He
really enjoyed the plane ride and wasn't scared at all. I told him to hold my hand if he was scared on take off and he was slightly annoyed and told me he was a big boy and he would be fine! I way overpacked activities and snacks and he was completely content the entire time looking out the window and catching me up on his life- my little chatterbox!
I forgot how enormous and busy the Atlanta airport is and after landing it took forever to get the car and battle our way through downtown traffic to the hotel. We were up pretty late last night but Sam fell asleep no problem and thought it was so neat we were all sleeping in the same room. He did tell me he misses Harper and is sad we didn't bring her:) So sweet...
It is rainy and cold- well cold for us Floridians- here and we are off to the Atlanta aquarium today. We are really close to some great restaurants and shopping so I may sneak off a bit later this afternoon! Lots of pictures to post when I return.