Thursday, May 15, 2008

One Week Ago

I had been having contractions for days, but the one that woke me at 2:30 am let me know this was it. From 10 minutes apart, to eight and to six by 3:30, I called my doula and woke up Russ. This is it, I told him. I showered and decided to labor in our bed until my doula arrived. We wanted to do as much as possible at home before heading to the hospital. By 5:30 my contractions were 2 minutes apart so we decided it was time to go.

I began to feel the urge to push in the car and told Russ to drive faster. I was hoping not be on the local news- having delivered on the side of the road! When we arrived at the hospital at 6 am I was 8 cm dilated. Now the nurses were moving around me fast and trying to get all of their paperwork done. I remember one nurse asking me if I had fallen recently?! Uh, no.

By 6:30 I was 10 cm and began to push- a little early we would learn. I kept hearing "no progress" and "presenting transverse", and became worried someone may suggest a c-section. I pushed for the next 2 1/2 hours in different positions until she decided to come on her own. She was born at 8:58 am after a shorter but much more intense labor than with Sam.

"It's a girl", Russ announced with delay and surprise in his voice. A girl? I couldn't believe it. How lucky to have one of each and to be able to experience the relationship a mother has with a son and a daughter. What a wonderful week we have had getting to know you. Welcome home baby girl.

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